SAO (Lotus Pro) High Capacity Aqueous Ozone Generator "Replacement Cartridges" - SAO-24
(cartridge life 800 gallons w/sanitizing solution good for 24 hours - one stabilizer cartridge & one filter cartridge per replacement kit)
*Must purchase 3 cartridges with initial Lotus PRO dispenser purchase.
The SAO chemical-free cleaning system turns ordinary tap water into Stabilized Aqueous Ozone™ - a powerful natural cleaner, stain remover, deodorizer and sanitizer. The Aqueous Ozone is made on-the-spot with continuous flow for mop buckets, carpet extractors and automatic scrubbers - killing germs while cleaning. It provides residue-free performance for a longer lasting clean and low slippage on even the smoothest floors. Each Replacement Cartridge Kit contains a Stabilizer Unit and a Filter Cartridge good for producing 800 gallons of on-demand Aqueous Ozone. The SAO High Capacity Aqueous Ozone Generator Unit will automatically notifiy the user of cartridge replacement need when 50 gallons of cartridge life remains in the stabilizer unit.

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